Root Canal
Root canal is a fairly common procedure and is done when the pulp or nerve tissue of a tooth becomes infected or dies. The nerve needs to be removed before necrosis spreads to the bone, which will cause a lot more pain as well as endanger the neighbouring teeth. Root canal is done to avoid having to remove the tooth entirely.

Root Canal Procedure
Root canal essentially removes the pulp tissue of the tooth. This is done by drilling into the pulp chamber to remove the infected pulp as well as the nerves out of the root canal. When all the infected tissue is removed, a biocompatible material is used to fill it in and it is sealed to prevent further infection. Root canal takes one to two hours and it is usually recommended that crown is fitted to the tooth once the procedure is done to reinforce the tooth and prevent it from breaking or cracking.
Not so Painful Anymore
Just because you have to go through an invasive procedure, it doesn’t mean you have to be in pain. Dr. Galatis will ensure that you are pain free during the procedure and will check in with you regularly to make sure that you don’t feel anything the whole time.
If you have an abscess on the tooth, though, this will need to be cleared up before you have root canal, very often with an antibiotic. The reason for this is that puss from the abscess may contain chemical compounds that will stop the anaesthetic from working.