We know that sudden tooth pain can sometimes be unbearable – that’s why we are there for you, 24/7. Whether you’ve chipped a tooth, a crown has come loose or you’ve developed an abscess, you can call our emergency line to schedule an emergency appointment and we’ll ensure you can keep smiling with the very best care.
The types of dental issues that need
emergency treatment are:
Dental injury caused by an impact. If your mouth has suffered an impact, and your teeth are affected, this is definitely an emergency. If you’ve had a tooth knocked out, the sooner you get attention, the better the chances of saving that tooth are. Remember to lightly rinse the tooth without touching the roots, and if you can, put it back in its socket carefully. If that’s not an option, place the tooth in a small container filled with full cream milk or your saliva.

Cracked or broken tooth
Cracked or broken tooth. A fall, a sport-related injury, an accident or even just biting down on a hard piece of food – all these things can cause a tooth to crack or break. Increase your chances of saving that tooth by firstly finding all the pieces, rinsing your mouth with warm water, keep an ice-pack on your face where the tooth broke and take an over-the-counter painkiller if necessary. As soon as you can, make the call for an emergency appointment.

Crown lost
Losing a crown happens and while it’s not a huge emergency, it can impact your ability to eat and can sometimes be painful. If a crown does come loose, try to hang on to it so you can take it with you when you have your emergency appointment.

Painful tooth
There are many reasons you could be suffering from a painful tooth, it could be broken, there could be a new cavity forming under an old filling or there could be damage from clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth. What’s important is the severity of the pain – if you can’t eat or drink without experiencing excruciating pain, then call for an appointment immediately.
Gums swollen or sore
This could mean you have food stuck between your teeth or an infection from plaque or gum disease. Gently floss the area to see if this helps and rinse gently with warm water. If it does help abate the pain, then it’ll be a good reminder to make flossing a regular part of your daily dental care. If the pain doesn’t abate and your gums bleed even at the slightest touch, you need an appointment as soon as possible.