
Dental Crowns &  Bridges

When you have missing teeth, it’s about more than just how you look. A missing tooth or teeth can change the way you chew and speak, as well as negatively affecting the way the rest of your teeth are positioned.

A crown is used to restore an individual broken or decayed tooth back to normal by removing the damage and replacing the missing part with a ceramic replacement. A dental bridge is process that dentists use to fill a space where one or more teeth are missing. One benenfit to a bridge is to fill out your mouth and provide support for your cheek and lip, so that your facial structure gets back to its pre-tooth loss shape.

Deciding to get a dental bridge.

Teeth were designed to complement each other and a missing tooth can cause uneven pressure on your existing teeth, increasing the chances of injury to your gums.

Your remaining teeth are also at greater risk of chipping, breaking or moving out of alignment. So, it makes oral hygiene, as well as cosmetic sense to have a dental bridge fitted.

What is the procedure?

You’ll need two appointments to have the procedure completed. At your first appointment Dr. Galatis will prepare the teeth on either side of the gap by removing a small amount of the enamel and dentin. Then, to make sure your bite is correctly aligned and to match the opposing tooth, an impression of your teeth will be made. This impression is sent to a lab where your bridge will be made. At your next appointment, the bridge will be fitted.

Good dental hygiene is important to maintain the integrity of your dental bridge as well as the teeth surrounding it.

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